Log transporter

The challenge

Steve Murphy Limited (SML) specializes in log and bulk transport in Canterbury, New Zealand. Before Xlerate, their team had to record all field operation data manually into the job and stock management system. The pick-up and delivery of logs was time and labour intensive. The visibility of their fleet was also limited – SML could not track their vehicles to see what was happening out in the field.

Our solution

SML invested in an Xlerate fleet management solution to track and monitor their vehicles out in the field. All data is recorded and made available, including driver work/ after hours, kilometres driven, stops, and off-road usage. Xlerate also created a custom stocks module for SML, to manage the uplift and available grades for pickups. All information is captured at the current work location and sent back to SML’s management system.

Business benefits

  • Having easy access to necessary information allows SML to get their vehicles on the road faster.
  • The stock module enables SML to deliver a quicker, more reliable service, which improves customer relationships and company reputation.
  • Field workers can update the SML stock management database from their remote location. They can add information about the grade, quantity, and location of remaining stock in the region.
  • SML is able to update their customers on any changes to deliveries and vice-versa.
  • Vehicle tracking and history replay allows SML to investigate safety concerns expressed by the public.
  • Data received from the employee time card allows SML to track and monitor driver work hours and behavior. Reports are automatically emailed to supervisors.